Library Collection Donations
Before being accepted into the collection, donations are assessed against the following criteria:
- Adherence to the Collection Policy.
- Australian Non-Fiction.
- Condition.
- Content of the item (detail, authority etc.).
The PMI Library reserves the right to refuse to accept any item based on the above criteria and as a general rule, we will not accept:
- Novels.
- Audio-visual material (DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, etc.).
- Journals unless they are on Australian history.
- Newspapers unless it is a specific edition which has importance to the history of Victoria (for example a first edition of The Age or The Argus). This exclusion includes microfilm and microfiche.
- Non-book materials (i.e. objects).
- Ephemeral material is considered on a case by case basis in line with the collection policy.
Book Sale Donations
Material that doesn not meet the above criteria, will go into the PMI Library’s book sale.Â
The Booksale will not accept:
- Non Australian History
- Fiction (including literary and poetry)
- Biographies
- Encyclopedias
- Craft Book & Magazines
- Children’s Books
Some books may be recycled as the Library does not have indefinite space for storage.