Library Catalogue Guide

Searching the library catalogue to find the call number before you hit the shelves, either at home or at the library, allows you to make the most of your research time. Here is a brief guide on using the various search functions for optimum results.

Quick Search

To find records quickly, simply enter a word or a number of words you would like to find, select the area you would like to search in, then click the OK button. Records will be found if all the words you entered are in the area you selected for your search. If your search is successful, a page of records will be displayed showing brief details. Click on a title link to display full details including location and status details.

A quick search ‘anywhere’ allows you to search all the fields of the catalogue entry, including the notes. This can be helpful as many of our catalogue records contain indexes in the notes (such as chapter indexes for books, article contents for periodicals, and item contents for our vertical files). But, for the same reason, the quick search ‘anywhere’ can produce too many irrelevant results if your search terms aren’t specific enough. If your search does produce too many hits, try repeating the search adding further terms, or by entering a specific phrase and clicking the ‘phrase’ button under the search box. This will help narrow down your results to words in a sequence.

Title Search

This allows you to search for words in the title or series title and also allows you to browse through titles beginning with certain words. Enter the words you would like to find, select the type of search then click the OK button. Select from following types of searches:

Keywords to find the words anywhere in the title
Browse to find titles starting with the text you have entered
Phrase to find titles with the words you have entered in a sequence
Exact Match to find titles matching only the words you have entered

If your search is successful a page of titles will be displayed. Click on a title to display brief details
of the items with this title.

Author Search

To search for words in an author’s name, enter the words you would like to find, select the type of search then click the OK button. Select from the following types of searches:

Keywords to find the words anywhere in the author’s name. You can select to search all authors, only individuals or only organisations.

Browse to find author names starting with the text you have entered. You can enter as much or as little of the name as you know. All names starting with the text you enter will be displayed.

If your search is successful a page of names will be displayed. Click on a name to display brief details of the items associated with this name.

Subject Search

This allows you to search for words in a subject heading and also allows you to browse through subjects beginning with some text. Enter the words you would like to find, select the type of search then click the OK button. Select from the following types of searches:

Keywords to find the words anywhere in the subject heading
Browse to find subjects starting with the text you have entered
Phrase to find subjects with the words you have entered in a sequence
Exact Match to find subjects matching only the words you have entered

If your search is successful a page of subject headings will be displayed. Click on a subject heading to display brief details of the items about this subject.

Advanced Search

To perform more complicated searches, you can use an Advanced Search. Use the boxes on the search screen to enter several words in each box or as many as needed. This allows you to do a very specific search when you know exactly what you need to find.

Or, you can do a broader search and then narrow down the list of records using the Refine Set option. Enter the words you would like to find in the boxes, or select items from the list boxes. Click the right arrow at the right hand side of a list box to display the list. When you have entered you search terms
or selected items from list boxes click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

If your search is successful a page of items will be displayed showing brief details for each item. Click on a title link to display full details for the item.


Please be aware that items in our collection may contain words, descriptions, names, sounds, images, videos and audio recordings which may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Terms and annotations which reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written may not be considered appropriate today.