Victorian Railway History Library


The Victorian Railway History Library has a large collection of books and journals on railways, predominately on Victorian and Australian railway history but also including an extensive British collection and a representative collection from other countries.

Collection includes

The library has 1,000 books on Victorian and Australian railway history. 1,000 books on British railway history and 500 books on railway history from other countries, mainly Europe and North America.

There is an extensive collection of railway journals. The journals of the Victorian Railway History Library are current as well as several discontinued journals. The collection also includes model railway journals as well as The Railway Magazine and Trains from Britain and the United States.

Accessing the collection

Both the library catalogue and an incomplete index to several journals are available on the PMI public computers.

The team attend on Wednesday mornings and borrowings from the collection can be made at that time. The library is available to both PMI and Victorian Railway History Library members.


Please be aware that items in our collection may contain words, descriptions, names, sounds, images, videos and audio recordings which may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Terms and annotations which reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written may not be considered appropriate today.